Friday 20 December 2013


Every so often I'll see a slightly more thoughtful Christian post about Gay marriage and say something like... How about the church does marriages and then the state can do civil unions. That way everyone gets a civil union and then the church decides who gets married or not. There are two problems with this idea.

1. The horse has bolted. The church does not have a monopoly on marriage and people who are married and want to get married will not just give that up. No one is going to be saying "exciting news everybody I'm getting civil unioned!" Or "it was thirty years ago today that we got civil unioned". 

2. Churches will marry gay people. Maybe not your church but other churches will be happy to do so. Which will end up with people saying "yes you got married but was it a baptist marriage or a uniting church marriage?" With one being the real marriage and the other not. In the same way that people call some Christians "real Christians" or "biblical Christians" or what ever descriptor that means the same thing.

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