Friday 20 December 2013


Last night I had a strange dream, I dreamt that I was a world champion, or maybe I was qualifying to compete in the world championships. The event you ask? Pushing matchbox (hot wheels) cars around a track that someone has drawn on the ground as fast as possible. I can't remember if anyone above the age of five was competing but I do remember winning.

Then dreamt I had a job interview I wasn't wearing a tie or six and shoes and abut half way through the interview I was asked to role play a scenario and I had no idea what to do. It was at that point I realised my pink shirt was completely unbuttoned.

I've been told that I "interview badly" by a friend who gave someone else a job over me once and that person didn't turn out so good. Anyway I feel like I'm achieving my milestones of a five year old really well. I could be a world champion five year old now. But an adult... A normally functioning working adult. I'm just failing to get started with a career let alone face all the other usual life challenges.

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